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32nd Sunday

Seven brothers were brought before the king. They were asked to deny their faith and to do something that according to Jewish religion is abominable in God’s sight. Each of the brothers stood up to the king. From the first to the last, each one bravely died rather than compromise their faith in God. Each one also died reminding the king that though he will die, there is a heaven that will receive his soul and give him eternal life.

This biblical story never fails to move me to serious reflection, specially these days, when many Christians are pressured to give up their faith, even their lives, for God. Iraqi Christians were recently hostaged and killed while attending Sunday Mass in their church. Let us pray that they will remain courageous and steadfast.

But what is most instructive is what the reading did not fully explain to us. The seven sons were strong in their faith because of their mother. The mother brought her sons in the love of God and when the trial came, she encouraged her sons to look up to heaven and not to forsake it for earthly comforts.

Today there is much talk about family values, bonding and relationships. So much emphasis is placed on the concern for the education, health and future of the children. In some countries, children are overfed. In our country, many children are pampered. Even in public schools, parents and grandparents act as chaperones for their kids, even carrying their bags for them. We give what our children want – money, clothes, cell phones, laptops and gadgets.

But how many parents see it as their primary responsibility to strengthen and encourage the faith of their children? How many parents and grandparents teach the young in their homes to live lives of faith and commitment to God? Do we go with them to church, pray with them at home and talk to them about the Lord?

We can bemoan the general restlessness among the youth and wonder why they find refuge in computers, drugs, gangs and other addictions. But it is true that in families where the practice of faith is constant and strong, young people grow up to be responsible and successful. When the young are led by their elders to God, they learn to treasure a relationship with God and a respect for others.

The reading today emphasize the existence of heaven and invite us to renew our faith that there is life beyond this one. Our Lord Jesus Christ describes to us the life of those who are saved, that they will experience the resurrection. Like Jesus, let us not fail in reminding one another about heaven, faith and God.

We want strong families, lasting friendships and tenacious communities. We want an environment that can bring the best out of people. Then let us start by encouraging one another to come closer to the Lord, to look beyond this world into the world that is true and beneficial because it is the promise of God. Let us point the way for each other to find God.