This is a day unlike any other. This is the only day in the year called Good, Good Friday. What is so good in this Friday to merit such a description?
It was certainly not a good moment. People out at 3pm in the scorching heat. The weather was not good.
The people were not good. Just read again the immortal words of the gospel of John 18 and 19 and you will realize how many bad people there were around Jesus – liars, murderers, cowards, traitor, unjust people out to plot against the life of Someone who deserved a better treatment.
The occasion was not good. How can a crucifixion scene be good? It was a public spectacle of gory details, satisfying the bloodthirsty crowd while debasing the one who was dying slowly.
Truly, there was only one reason this day is Good – the Man hanging on the Cross is the Good One.
If on Palm Sunday we recognized Jesus as the King, and on Maundy Thursday we saw him as Servant, then on this Good Friday, Jesus is the Good God of love and mercy.
Good God of Forgiveness
In the gospel of Luke, Jesus’ first words on the Cross were: Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing. (23:34)
A victim of the cruelty of the men and women around him, Jesus only thought of forgiveness, even thinking of a perfect excuse to bring to the Father on their behalf.
Can you do that so easily? I mean, do we not demand revenge and retribution for evil done to us? But Jesus implores God to forgive the ones who brought about his painful end.
These are the words directed to us at this moment as we gather before the Cross of Jesus. Do not be afraid. Do not try to run away. Do not make up excuses. He loves you and he wants you to experience being forgiven. How many times have we acted up the part of the evil people in the gospel of the Passion… and yet, when we come to Jesus, we hear only the words: I forgive you…
Jesus, thank you for your never-ending forgiveness to my seemingly never-ending sinfulness. I hurt you when I hurt myself. I crucify you when I make my loved ones suffer. I kill you again and again when I ignore your call to reciprocate your love and to come closer to your heart. I am sorry… I need your forgiveness. Thank you, dear Good God of Friday.
Good God of Compassion
Again I turn to the account of St. Luke to help me reflect on the goodness of Jesus, the goodness of our God. Hanging on the cross, in pain and awaiting certain death, Jesus manifested his great compassion for others. When his fellow convict asked him to make sure he enters heaven with him, he turns to the thief and says: Today you will be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)
What man would not think of preserving himself in times of danger, planning his own escape, wanting to save his own skin? Don’t we many times see ourselves falling into this trap? We want to save ourselves and truly, first!
Jesus preached only love and for only one purpose, to save all men and women. In doing this, he searched out the poor, the outcast, the lost of society. Tied to the cross, we thought his crusade has ended. But here, at the last moment, he was trying to save not himself but another newfound friend.
God of compassion, God of mercy for every sinner who cries out to him.
Before the Cross this afternoon, isn’t it our cry: Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. (23:42)
We are crucified too in many ways and we are suffering too in many ways. Sometimes our pains are known only to us. In our desire to end it all, we want to come into God’s kingdom. We want healing. We want prosperity. We want love. We want peace.
Jesus, remember me. I have been forgotten by others. I have been abandoned by others. I think I am forgotten by God. Please, Good Jesus, remember me today and always.
Close your eyes and see him looking at you and saying: today you will be with me in paradise. Thank him that in your own situation of personal agony, he is so near. He is your closest companion.
You will be with me.
God is good not only on Good Friday. The great good news is that he is the Good God of our Everyday lives. We remember the cross and we use the cross as the central symbol of faith – in churches, altars, necklaces, designs, etc – remind us not of the passion but of the goodness of the Lord.
He is forgiveness when we approach him in prayer, but above all in Confession. He is compassion when we come to him as our only friend, our best friend capable of lifting us up and healing our wounded lives.
Good Friday never ends for a Christian. It is our daily story of how good God is to us in the person of His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Thank you Jesus for your goodness and love. thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for your solidarity with me in my darkest moments. Thank you for being my Savior… and my Friend.