Bored with your usual daily tasks? Bored by the routine that you have to go through each day? Impatient to get to your dream or to do the extraordinary feat you have been imagining to accomplish? Jesus tells us today to think again (Lk 16:10).
For the little things count a lot in heaven. The boring routine may be the road to salvation. The daily tasks are the start of a future more than you can imagine. The Lord says: the one who is faithful in little things will be faithful in bigger ones. The one who proves trustworthy in little things will receive the reward of success and fulfillment in life.
So maintaining the house for your husband and children, religiously reviewing and studying for school, coming to work with enthusiasm and joy, loving your daily duties as essential components of your and God’s dream for your future – these may be considered tedious, menial, insignificant by many people today, but to the Lord, these are hallmarks of faithfulness and love for him and for our neighbor.
More than this, the little, simple things can be all that God wants us to offer him as a pleasing sacrifice. Remember how St. Therese of the Child Jesus smiled sincerely at the people around her each day. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, proclaimed saint a few days ago, took time to stop and noticed God in the weakest and most broken. Hidilyn Diaz, Pinoy Olympic medalist in Rio, labored in obscurity as she practiced and prepared for her win.
Are you doing something you feel is small, boring, routinary, insignificant? Why don’t you start offering it to the Lord and to your loved ones today so that God can bring about something unimaginably big in the future?