· Replay and savor life’s joys. Think of the beautiful, unforgettable experiences in the past. It is like a tonic.
· Count your blessings. Show genuine gratitude. It makes you feel great.
· Be optimistic about your future. It helps strengthen your immune system.
· Avoid stress. Slow down and take the time to smell the roses and breathe the fresh air.
· Have time to meditate. Observe moments of silence.
· Have peace and serenity in your heart. Focus on pleasant things.
· Reduce noise around you. Talk less, listen more.
· Embrace temporary failures but don’t dwell on them for too long.
· Never lose hope.
· Stay focused and calm. It allows you to rethink where you are going.
· Follow your heart and use your gut feel.
THANKS TO: ROADMAP TO A FULFILLING LIFE by the man of God, FERDI FUENTES published by Minda M. Fuentes, 2013