Are you still caught by surprise? Of course, we love surprises but in our day, most of us can predict what is coming.


So sometimes we just pretend to be wrapped in wonder and awe when in fact we already know what will happen.


Today, what we expect happens when we want it to and how we want it to… it is easy to manipulate things and time…


We can virtually see what will occur because we have the advantage of technology, of social media, of computer apps.


Until we are surprised by things beyond our control. Like the massive surprises of this year 2020!


Who would have thought that quiet Taal volcano will throw tantrums of fire, smoke, and ash?


Who would have imagined a tiny virus controlling the world and altering our way of life?


Who would have thought that super typhoons will compete in entering our country as uninvited guests?


The surprise was real when we were confronted with widespread sickness, inconsolable deaths, untold destruction…


How confusing it is to see how even science could not provide answers immediately and human systems failed in extending help in time…


I think this is how we should understand the Gospel today (Mk 13:33-37) – “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.”


We cannot rely totally on the things that give us security – money, position, health, connections, and even relationships.


There are things that happen in a flash, changes that are unpredicted, events that can easily paralyze or immobilize us… without any hint, without any preparation.


When the Gospel tells us to be watchful and to be alert, it is advising us to be always aware that the Lord is near, that he is greater than any adversity, that he is our most reliable father and most trusted friend.


The first reading (Is 64:7) gives us an image of the potter who fashions and re-shapes the clay. God is the potter who can make good things come out of even the most unexpected and maybe even the most unfavorable surprise we get in life.


If the surprise we get is not to our liking, we can offer it to the Lord and ask him to bring out whatever good this event can still bring to us and our loved ones.


In all that happens, may we continue to trust, to hope, to believe in his power and love. Lord, be always with us… Amen.



Pls share with a friend…. (image borrowed from the internet; thanks!)