MT 16. 21-27
In Saint Peter’s life during Jesus’ ministry, there were two unforgettable episodes: the first was when Jesus trusted him with the keys of the Kingdom, making him head of his church, and the second was the straightforward but gentle rebuke of Jesus towards Peter’s mistaken notion of discipleship. When the Lord Jesus chose Peter as the leader of his community and designated him its “cephas,” the rock, this did not mean that Peter was perfect or that he could pretend to be one. Today, he makes the mistake of thinking that the Messiah should not suffer and die for his mission. In effect, Peter thought that suffering had no place in God’s vision of the Kingdom, both for Jesus and for them, his disciples. Responsible teacher that he was, the Lord Jesus could not allow this blunder to go unnoticed, uncorrected. Part of his trust in Peter and love for him was to guide him to the truth. He gently rebuked Peter, albeit in strong words, in order for him to awaken to the truth. To Peter’s credit, he remained humble, listening and accepting the teachings of his Master and following them. In due time, he too, would take up his cross and give himself totally to the Father and his Kingdom.
We have a tendency to desire that our relationships be smooth and wrinkle-free. We are afraid to speak a word of reprimand to the erring, correction to the mistaken, rectification to the broken, or break the silence, lest we offend people or hurt their feelings. The Lord Jesus demonstrates to us that love, whether divine or human, involves sharing the truth and insisting on it. Are you called today to correct someone you love or know? Or are you humble enough to receive correction and reminder about something wrong in your thoughts or actions? Pray for courage to rebuke the wrong and for humility to receive a loving correction.
ourparishpriest 2023