JN 6: 1-15
There is a growing trend in our churches today. Solemn coronations of Mary’s images are celebrated with grandiose festivities by bishops, archbishops and even the papal nuncio. Churches are vying for the title of diocesan, national, and international shrines, or even basilicas. Renovations are taking place to make modern churches look ancient, to transform simple altars into majestic colonial altarpieces. But this trend is also alarming. What we do not see or hear about are vigorous programs that address the plight of the poor, the street children and homeless, the mentally ill and jobless, the workers and the youth. One priest said: “My work is about construction; the poor is the concern of the mayor.” Devotions are necessary to keep the faith alive. Churches are important sacred spaces. But Jesus did not only come to uplift the spirit, he cared for the body, too.
We see Jesus in today’s Gospel spend his time teaching, healing, proclaiming. But when he realized the people were hungry, he stopped everything and commanded his apostles to get to work. He and his apostles attended to the physical needs, the bodily needs of the people.
The church is a community of people that must be concerned not only about doctrines, prayers, and devotions. It must also continue Jesus’ love and concern for the total person, including people’s bodily needs. The Eucharist, the Bread of Life, does not enter immediately into the heart; it first enters through the body. Surely, the church cannot be responsible for the total change of society but as St. Mother Teresa said: “You cannot help all the poor, at least help one.” In every place there is a person in need – hungry, homeless, hopeless. Can we be like Jesus and think about them, too?
This week, let us pray that our churches may be challenged to become sources of inspiration not only to devotees, but also to the deprived who in their poverty and need, look to God for help. In our personal lives, may we be ready to show to a needy person our compassion, presence, and friendship. Let us become like Jesus!