MK. 9: 38-43, 45, 47-48


Visiting a funeral chapel for the wake of a dear friend, I met a man in the elevator who handed me a calling card. It was a “priest” peddling religious services in that place. Instead of being scandalized, I was moved to reflect why many people rely on these “fake” Catholic priests to perform religious rites for their families. Some “genuine” Catholic priests are really  outraged by this. But it is also time to ask: Why do people patronize the “fake” ones over the “genuine” guys? The answers are varied:  The “genuine” ones are too busy to console the grieving; they refuse to go when the area is far or notorious for traffic; they consider the amount of stipend offered; they think condoling with mourning families is not their responsibility – anyway, the people will come to church on funeral day.

Today at every opportunity we hear the word inclusion. But this not novel; Jesus himself manifested this attitude a long time ago. In the Gospel the apostles felt insecure that someone was ministering to people in the Lord Jesus’ name; doing something they thought was their exclusive right. They instantly became envious, suspicious, narrow-minded.

So the Lord Jesus intervened. He showed his wider perspective on service. People who are not like us are not immediately our enemies. These “others” who were considered impostors by the apostles might have shown good faith in doing the Lord’s work. Instead of being combative towards them, the apostles who regarded themselves “genuine” should have first done a self-reflection, a thorough discernment in their hearts.

The Gospel today encourages such an internal deliberation. If we are threatened or alarmed by others who seem to us to be “fakes,” why don’t we stop for a moment and look into ourselves, our actions, or commitment, we who think we are “genuine” followers of the Lord? Maybe we have a part in why “fakes” abound, for when people look for the “genuine” ones, they are nowhere to be found.


Are you easily threatened by other people’s actions and words? Are you inclined to dismiss others as impostors while regarding yourself as superior? Instead of judging others, why don’t we take time to reflect on how faithfully and zealously we radiate Christ to others.