(Collect Prayer/ Opening Prayer of the Mass)


This Sunday, let us direct our reflection not toward the readings, although they are quite enlightening, but instead, let’s delve into the somewhat overlooked yet profoundly meaningful opening prayer (Collect) of our Mass: “Almighty ever-living God, who in the abundance of your kindness surpass the merits and the desires of those who entreat you, pour out your mercy upon us to pardon what conscience dreads and to give what prayer does not dare to ask.”

A spiritual writer astutely observed that this prayer beautifully encapsulates the “wild generosity” of God. Firstly, it acknowledges that God’s kindness is boundless, overflowing. It goes beyond our merits. What merits can truly speak for us? Don’t we invariably fall short of doing good and behaving perfectly in this world? And as for our desires, they can often be audacious, but remember, God exceeds all our desires. We may set our sights on the loftiest of goals, but having God with us surpasses all that we aspire to be or possess.

Secondly, the prayer appeals to God’s mercy. Indeed, God is the embodiment of mercy, as Pope Francis aptly wrote, “the name of God is mercy.” He extends His mercy by forgiving even the sins that our conscience hesitates to confess. Are there not things we are afraid or ashamed to acknowledge, even to ourselves? Yet, God forgives them nonetheless when we surrender them to Him, and you will find peace in doing so, especially in your next Confession.

Furthermore, God’s mercy extends to the prayers we hesitate to voice. We often approach God with a multitude of requests, but at times, we lack the trust to ask for things that seem far-fetched or beyond our reach. Yet, remember this: God will either grant us something more or something better, for as our Father, He knows what is truly best for us. God is not only kind and merciful but also our Father, just as He is Jesus’ Father. Let us offer our gratitude to the Lord!


When was the last time you contemplated God’s mercy and kindness? Today, take a moment to review your life and recognize the myriad ways the Lord has shown His mercy to you, both in small and significant matters. Pray that you may continually bear witness to His mercy and share it with those around you, expressing gratitude to the Lord for His boundless generosity.

ourparishpriest 2023

(A Holy Recommendation:

I recently came across a humble yet wonderful shop on Lazada called “St. Joseph’s Little Shop.” They offer a range of unique and beautiful items related to St. Joseph. If, like me, you’re a devotee of St. Joseph, you’ll find this store to be an excellent source for your devotional items. Moreover, they have a selection of other religious materials beyond those centered on St. Joseph. I highly recommend visiting their site. Please note that this recommendation is voluntary and unpaid.)