The gospel today, read at the penultimate week of the liturgical calendar, foretells the return of Jesus in glory. His first coming in the world was through the humble state of an infant in the manger. His second coming will be public, grand, and powerful.
Even Muslims believe that Jesus will be the prophet who will return to signal the end of all things. Though they do not believe in Jesus as God, isn’t it remarkable that for them, it is Jesus who will come again, not Mohammad or any other prophet?
The image of Jesus’ coming inspires fear in the heart of many people. There is a fear of the end. We do not want our activities, our relationships, and our projects to end. We want things to continue. If possible, we want to experience the proverbial Aldub wish of “forever.”
However for those who love the Lord, his coming is not a frightening event, but a joyful encounter. If he will come to meet us, should we not rejoice in welcoming him? Should we not prepare for this most important occasion? Maybe some things will end (“heaven and earth will pass away”), but the most important things will endure (“my words will not pass away).
If we know that Jesus is coming one day to our world, should we not invest on the things that will not pass away, on the things that really matter? Do you rely on his words more than on your own judgment or on human opinions? Is love, not hate or indifference, the basis of your actions?
Let us welcome the Lord in joy!