JN 6: 60-69
This Sunday we have the last gospel from John on the Bread of Life, the Eucharist. Finally, at the end of the Lord Jesus’ teachings on this topic, we see two responses from the people. The first response is the pragmatic, practical response: “How can this teaching be true? Can he really give us his flesh and blood to eat and drink? Will his Body really give us life? What authority does he have to say these, he a simple carpenter, a street preacher?” The people who responded in this manner voted with their feet… away from the Lord.
The second response is the trusting response: “This man promises to give life; he says he is the Bread from heaven and he will give his own flesh for me to have eternal life. He speaks differently from other teachers or prophets. Who else should I turn to? He is God’s Holy One!”
Today, it is very difficult to believe in mere words, to hold on to promises. We know that promises are broken, secrets betrayed, confidentiality leaked, information twisted, and deals revoked. Trusting in words is a risk; it doesn’t come cheap. As Catholics, we hold on to the Word of God in the Gospel. Jesus gives us his own flesh for our spiritual food. We may not totally understand how, nor feel anything always, nor see the fulfillment right away. But each time we hear these words at Mass: “This is my Body… This is my Blood…,” we trust in the One who says our sins are forgiven, we believe in Him who says we are healed by his love.
Do you really believe you encounter the Lord Jesus at Mass? Do you believe that you are united to him when you receive His Body in Holy Communion? Then, thank the Lord for the gift of faith, the same faith as the apostles. Do you at times struggle to believe? Humbly ask the Lord for the grace of patience, and the blessing of trust!