JOYFUL VISITORS FROM ST. IGNATIUS St. Ignatius Parish was my second parish as pastor. And today, Sunday, a delegation of former parishioners came to visit me in my Tagaytay home. Truly, Filipino Catholics love and support their priests with all their hearts. This group came to cheer…
JESUS’ CLOSEST FRIENDS I just like to share this photo of the children from our Holy Family Parochial School, posing with the Corpus of Jesus before it was hoisted permanently at the center of the church sanctuary. Jesus must be so glad and consoled at the presence of…
Ascension Sunday B
LET GO AND LET GOD! Ascension Sunday (7th Easter) They say that one of the indications of growing old is fondness for reminiscences, for nostalgia, for remembering events or people long gone. That is why listening to our grandparents, we…
6th Sunday of Easter B
IS JESUS YOUR FRIEND? Sixth Sunday of Easter Many people tried to convince me to join “Friendster” but I didn’t. But now I joined “Facebook” and I am hooked into it, checking my account everyday and faithfully updating pictures and personal events.
Christian Gabriel Capinpin
CAN THE YOUNG SAVE HUMANITY? A Final Word on Christian Capinpin My last official mission as parish priest of Holy Family, Kapitolyo in Pasig City was to bless the newly repaired and refurbished library…